- Billed Annually
- Contact information is always up-to-date
- Personal Photo and Logo
- Click to Call & Click to Map
- Contact Download
- 15+ Social Media Platforms
- Links with Icons
- Analytics to Track Your vCard
- Custom URL (vcard-biz.com/yourname)
- Share Buttons
- WhatsApp Chat
- Create Custom Pages with Text, Photos and more
- Create Coupons
- Promote Events and RSVP
- Images, Slideshows, Gallerie
- Embed Videos
- Downloadable Files
- Custom Lead Generation Forms
- Fee First Time Setup
Constantly Updated
The information in your vCard can be updated at any time.
Connect and Share
vCard is a powerful marketing network tool to promote, share and build business relationships.
It Follows You Anywhere
You will never again forget your business cards at home. Your vCard will always be in the palm of your hand, ready for sharing anytime, anywhere with colleagues or prospect clients.
Professional Great First Impression
First impressions are very important. Using a professional presentation is key in today’s business world.
It's Your Marketing Brochure
Introduce yourself in an powerful visual way, where all the information of your services is in one place with added Texts, Graphics, Photos and Videos.
It's Your Resume
Add your personal information interactively, including your education, experience, video presentation, professional portfolio, achievements and more.
Capture Contacts
With a contact form to receive immediate messages, keeping in your personal email every new prospect.
vCard Statistics
Learn the impact of your vCard, knowing how many times it has been seen will help you understand the positive impact of your personal brand growth.
vCard for Business
with 10 or more Users/Employees
Contact Us for more information
vCard is a Virtual, Digital and Modern Presentation Card

Your vCard is a:
Personal Card, Business Card, Resume, Marketing Brochure, etc.
vCard Features:
Link for your contacts to make a direct call to your phone number.
Easy Downloading of your Contact Information
Many ways to share it Easy to upload: Images, Photos, Videos, Texts
Direct contact to your Email
Form for sending an immediate message to your Email
Custom URL
QR Code link to your URL